If the polylines are unbroken then they should only be a single part. You could use Python to create a to loop through each record in the shapefile and get the part count of each feature. If the part count is greater than 1 then the feature should have multiple start and end points or be disconnected.
import arcpy
inputSHP = r"path/to/input/shapefile"
outputSHP = r"path/to/output/shapefile" # This shapefile should already be created with all the properties of the input shapefile (use input shapefile as a template)
fields = arcpy.ListFields(inputSHP) # This gets all the fields in the input shapefile into a python list
outrows = arcpy.InsertCursor(outputSHP) # This allows you to insert features into the output shapefile
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(inputSHP) # This reads each feature in the input shapefile one at a time
for row in rows: # Loop through each feature in the input shapefile
if row.SHAPE.partCount == 1: # Determine if geometry has more than one part
newrow = outrows.newRow() # Create new feature in output shapefile
for field in fields: # Loop through fields in input shapefile (these should be exactly the same as in the output shapefile)
newrow.setValue(field.name, row.getValue(field.name) # Set the value of each field in the output shapefile feature to that field in the of the input shapefile feature
outrows.insertRow(newrow) # Save the new feature into the output shapefile
del newrow # Memory management (delete the new row object)
del row # Memory management (delete the input row object)
del rows, outrows # Memory management (delete the cursor objects)