I am looking at the Define custom grid section of the morecantile documentation. They define an EPSG:3031 based custom grid this way:
import morecantile
from pyproj import CRS
crs = CRS.from_epsg(3031)
extent = [-948.75, -543592.47, 5817.41, -3333128.95] # From https:///epsg.io/3031
customEPGS3031 = morecantile.TileMatrixSet.custom(extent, crs, id="MyCustomTmsEPSG3031")
The comment says the values are from https:///epsg.io/3031. Unfortunately, I haven't found the values -948.75, -543592.47, 5817.41, -3333128.95
on that website.
How can I find out what extent
should be used for a custom TMS grid?