I'm new to the offline mapping world and have been trying to work out how to load a .mbtiles file into Leaflet, and it seems that because they're PBF (or maybe I'm lost there), it's not working. I was able to find a .mbtiles file that was a raster, and it loaded fine, but any time I try to load one of the other files (like one downloaded from tilea.io), it fails and I get a tilerror.
Here's the snippet im using, this file works, but if I change to another mbtiles file, it throws an error. I'll add the error below the code
// when i change the file to another mbtiles file, it breaks,
//but this one works fine as its a raster i assume?
const coloradoTile = await fetch(
new URL("./countries-raster.mbtiles", import.meta.url)
const coloradoBlob = await coloradoTile.blob();
const coloradoURL = URL.createObjectURL(coloradoBlob);
const mbtilesLayer = L.tileLayer
.mbTiles(coloradoURL, {
minZoom: 0,
maxZoom: 30,
tms: true,
'Map data © <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
Heres the errors i get: