I have created a PostGIS DB using osm2po and I am using pgrouting to calculate the routes.

The application I am creating should find routes for cyclists so I want the route finder to prefer roads with cycle lanes present and to never plot a route containing motorways.

Looking through the config files I see: wrt.finalMask = car along with other tags such wtr.tag.highway.motorway = 1, 11, 120, car

I was wondering are these the parameters that I should tweak to accomplish this?

Would I just remove tags such as motorway etc.?



1 Answer 1


It's easy. Let's regard these lines:

wtr.tag.highway.secondary_link = 1, 22, 30,  car
wtr.tag.highway.tertiary = 1, 31, 40,  car|bike


wtr.finalMask = car

imports both road types,


wtr.finalMask = bike

imports the tertiary road only.

Actually car|bike are values (1+2=3) in the flags-column. It's derived from the wtr.flagList = car, bike, foot ... where car=1, bike=2, foot=4 and so on.

  • Hi, Thanks a lot that works well. Just one question. Would it be possible for me to add a custom tag such as 'difficulty' to the OSM data in my database and then have osm2po calculate the costs based on the difficulty of a way from 0 to 10. This is so the route-finder would prefer easier roads than difficult roads?
    – sam
    Commented Feb 1, 2013 at 11:51
  • Hi Sam, please move your question to another (new) thread. But in short: yes, it's possible.
    – Carsten
    Commented Feb 1, 2013 at 18:53

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