If I have saved polygons as a (.kml) Google Earth File and I want to draw it in MapInfo, is there a tool to do this ?
If not, how can be it be made using MapBasic?
If I have saved polygons as a (.kml) Google Earth File and I want to draw it in MapInfo, is there a tool to do this ?
If not, how can be it be made using MapBasic?
The last few versions of MapInfo Pro can read KML files directly thru File > Open Universal Data.
With MapInfo Pro v2021, we added support for OGR Vector Files through the GDAL library. This adds another of reading KML/KMZ files into MapInfo Pro
Why would you like to do it using MapBasic? There are a range of conversion processes out there. For example, something like QGIS (http://www.qgis.org/) would be useful to do the conversions on a one-by-one basis. If you're looking for a batch / automated conversion (which it appears you are) you should really head to this thread: