I am working with polygon shapefiles both that I have created and that colleagues have sent me. When I try to change the transparency of the polygon through Layer Properties > Display >"Transparent: __%", the symbol in the Table of Contents on the left is changed to be more transparent, but the shapefile in the map view still has 0% transparency.
I also noticed in Layer Properties > Symbology > "Advanced: Transparency", you can "Vary feature transparency based on field values in percent." The shapefile that I created does not have much attribute data (just FID, Shape, ID), and the shapefiles from my colleagues have a few more attribute fields such as Shape_Length and Shape_Area.
However, when I toggle Symbology > "Advanced: Transparency" to different attribute fields, sometimes the transparency of the shapefile changes even though I did not change Display > "Transparent: __%". The transparency changes to some random (random to me, because I don't know why) amount. This random change is not consistent across attribute fields in different polygons.
I have tried changing the transparency through the Effects Toolbar, but I have the same problem where the symbol in the table of contents has an updated transparency but the polygon in the map still has 0% transparency.
Is there somewhere else transparency information is being stored/edited?
I learned to use ArcMap 9 and am getting back into GIS through ArcMap 10.