I am using Osm2PO for route finding which reads a graph file created from a pbf file downloaded from OpenStreetMap.
I have my own GIS database where updates may be applied to the data. I would like Osm2PO to be able to generate a graph based on this DB.
Does anyone know how I can generate a osm pbf file from a database created using Osm2Pgsql? I have tried using Osmosis with commands like:
osmosis --read-pgsql host="localhost" database="gis" user="username" --write-pbf file="OSMDump"
but it gives an error saying Task 2-write-pbf does not support data provided by default pipe stored at level 1 in the default pipe stack.
Relations table schame
Table "public.planet_osm_rels"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | bigint | not null
way_off | smallint |
rel_off | smallint |
parts | bigint[] |
members | text[] |
tags | text[] |
pending | boolean | not null
Code: Here are the classes (I'll leave out the getters/setters): Node class:
private long id;
private int lat;
private int lon;
private String[] tags;
Way class:
private long id;
private Long[] nodes;
private String[] tags;
private long id;
private String[] members;
private String[] tags;
parse method (gets data from DB and stores in the collections):
ArrayList<Node> nodes = getNodes();
ArrayList<Way> ways = getWays();
ArrayList<Relation> relations = getRelations();
// Process all nodes
for(Node n : nodes) {
this.gisHandler.onNode(n.getId(), n.getLat(), n.getLon());
if(n.getTags() !=null) {
for(int i = 0; i < n.getTags().length-1; i+=2) {
this.gisHandler.onNodeTag(n.getTags()[i], n.getTags()[i+1]);
// Process all ways
for(Way w : ways) {
// Node refs
for(Long l : w.getNodes()) {
// Node tags
if(w.getTags() != null) {
for(int i = 0; i < w.getTags().length-1; i+=2) {
this.gisHandler.onNodeTag(w.getTags()[i], w.getTags()[i+1]);
// Process all Relations
for(Relation rel : relations) {
for(int i = 0; i < rel.getMembers().length-1; i+=2) {
this.gisHandler.onRelationMember("relation", rel.getId(), "multipolygon");
for(int i = 0; i < rel.getTags().length-1; i+=2) {
this.gisHandler.onNodeTag(rel.getTags()[i], rel.getTags()[i+1]);
Log output
INFO 460,001 of 460,001 nodes extracted - 782M
INFO 33,582 of 66,118 ways extracted - 796M
INFO 43 of 827 relations extracted - 796M
INFO Tiler finished at Mon Mar 04 16:16:42 GMT 2013
INFO Starting Joiner at Mon Mar 04 16:16:42 GMT 2013
INFO Caching relations from tr_raw.2po - 864M
INFO 0 of 43 relations cached - 864M
INFO 460,001 of 460,001 nodes cached (n034-e145) - 853M
INFO 33,582 of 33,582 ways read, 33,582 written
Total 33,582 tiled, 0 shared
INFO Joiner finished at Mon Mar 04 16:16:43 GMT 2013
INFO Starting Segmenter at Mon Mar 04 16:16:43 GMT 2013
INFO 0 of 0 nodes cached (shared) - 863M
INFO 175,929 of 222,327 nodes cached (n034-e145) - 830M
INFO 33,582 ways analyzed, 67,881 segments created (n034-e145) - 798M
INFO 55,065 vertices of 175,929 written - 853M
INFO 0 ways analyzed, 0 segments created (shared) - 853M
INFO 0 vertices of 0 written - 853M
INFO Segmenter finished at Mon Mar 04 16:16:43 GMT 2013
INFO Starting GraphBuilder at Mon Mar 04 16:16:43 GMT 2013
INFO Transforming Ways - 853M
INFO 33,582 Ways read, 135,764 Edges cached - 817M
INFO Transforming Vertices - 817M
INFO 55,065 Vertices read, 0 Restrictions cached - 814M
INFO Finding SourceVertex EntryPoints - 814M
INFO 135,764 Edges analyzed
INFO Creating NoTurnBits - 804M
INFO 135,764 Edges analyzed, 0 Crossings checked
INFO Writing GraphFile
gis_2po.gph - 804M
INFO 55,065 entries written
INFO 135,764 edges written
INFO GraphBuilder finished at Mon Mar 04 16:16:45 GMT 2013
INFO Starting PostProccessor at Mon Mar 04 16:16:45 GMT 2013
INFO Creating sql file gis/gis_2po_4pgr.sql
INFO 67,881 Segments written.
INFO commandline template:
psql -U [username] -d [dbname] -q -f "/home/sam/src/osm2po/gis/gis_2po_4pgr.sql"
INFO PostProcessor finished at Mon Mar 04 16:16:46 GMT 2013
INFO Loading Graph File
INFO Created with Version
INFO Loading SourceVertex-EntryPoints
INFO 55,065 Vertices loaded. - 863M
INFO Memory for 135,764 edges reserved. - 862M
INFO 135,764 Edges loaded. - 861M
INFO 55,065 Classes loaded. - 861M
INFO Memory for 55,065 coords reserved. - 861M
INFO 55,065 Coords loaded.
INFO Graph is in memory - 859M free
INFO Services started. Waiting for requests at