I'm trying to pass an in memory layer object created from a feature class using Code:
into the Code:
function. It's erroring out, so I think it's having trouble with the in memory feature layer (Does a feature layer have a.lyr extension?).
My code is:
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("SOILFC", "soil.lyr")
arcpy.mapping.ExportReport("soil.lyr", reportfilename, r"C:\Test_Outputs\ProjectReport1.xls")
I'm not sure if the mapping class needs an actual map document to work on, but I'm hoping not. I don't want to go through the process of creating a temp .mxd, setting a dataframe reference and then add in some layers somewhere just for the purpose of getting a layer object to create a report. I was just hoping I could create the report using in memory objects because the only thing I care about if the .xls report from the final output.