We developing a project which contains a lot of data ,
using WMS layers for displaying the points,
Also we used WMS to return points information in a popup window ,
however to highlight selected point we used WFS layer.
Sometimes the popup displayed without highlighting the selected point and vice versa ..!
How could I combine between these two features (highlight selected point and show the popup for it)?
I think one reason is the clicking event defined different,
WFS using:
selectControl.events.register("featureselected", this, function(e) {
and WMS using:
`popupwindow1=new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
layers: [layer1],
autoActivate: true,
maxFeatures: 3,
infoFormat: "application/vnd.ogc.gml",
eventListeners: {....}
The second problem is:
How could I return features from WFS layer without adding the vector layer to the map?