I have a Spatialite layer which is multipoint (following a QGIS Save As from shapefile). I need it to be PostGIS and POINT. I have tried ogr2ogr -nlt POINT and got 'new row for relation "xxx" violates check constraint "enforce_geotype_geometry"' error on insert.
I've also tried converting within PostGIS - i.e. bringing the layer in as multipoint and converting to point - no joy.
I'm using PostGIS 1.5.3 PostGreSQL 9.1.8. (considering upping to PostGIS2 after reading this: How to change the geometry type from Point to Multipoint within an existing table in PostGIS?) but would prefer to stay at 1.5 for now if there's a way round this. Happy to do this in either spatialite or PostGIS.