What are the options for FOSS flow modeling of dilute debris flows in QGIS or GRASS?
Have you, or can you refer me to studies where the authors, tested these models/plugins/functions/etc. for use in lahar modeling?
(Lahars are muddy volcanic flows, I'm interested in ones that will have a very small solids fraction of <10-20%, making some flood models applicable to the study; other add'l info: my field site has poor DEM coverage and is highly channelized, aka not a flood plain)
I am working on developing a FOSS workflow for disaster risk reduction, specifically for using DEMs in FOSS GIS that can either be used as input in separate flow models or with flow models that run in GRASS or QGIS. I know of a few functions that can do this (r.inund.fluv, r.hazard.flood, r.drain, etc) but they seem to be untested for this function.
I was interested in using HEC-RAS but my collaborator feels that it only runs effectively in Arc as HEC-geoRAS. The other model I was interested in (again, Arc) is the D8-algo based LAHARZ model, which (it seems?) is kind of similar to r.drain, at least in theory.
Any information at all on the matter is greatly appreciated!