I currently have a python script that will take in data and output it as a KMZ file, which I then open in Google Earth on my desktop.
The data has two views; a 3D polygon tower (clustered data) and in individual semi transparent circles for a heatmap like view. Additionally, the data can be played over time so that the 3D towers grow/shrink and circles appear/disappear.
The powers that be have told me that the visualization does not "pop" enough for them, and they would like me to look into some free alternatives.
I am afraid that there are no tools besides ArcGIS (which they do not want to buy) that will do what they want, but I figured I would ask anyways. Are there any free tools that meet these requirements?
Ordered by importance:
- Can display data over time.
- Can read kmz or kml.
- Can display 3D polygons and overlay pictures on the map.
- Free (or at least cheaper than ArcGIS).
Here are some notes I took while looking at a few free tools:
- QGIS (could not get a map to load, could import kml as points)
- Open Jump (I think we need our own map data, did not install)
- NASA World Wind (Cool, but couldn't get kml to import. Not sure if it has time controls.)
- Marble (My favorite, but no time control. Couldn't get kml to input. http://marble.kde.org/kml-guide.php)
- MinervaGIS (Have to build from source. Did not install.)
- Viking (Worked, no time controls, would not open kmz)