If you do have access to ArcSDE, then all of your conversion can be done within the ArcGIS Desktop/Arcpy kit of tools. For example, in ArcCatalog you simply right-click the feature class in your file GDB and select Export/Geodatabase (single or multiple items).
If you are not afraid of scripting, I would recommend pyodbc. You can use a da.SearchCursor to create an array of values using the SHAPE@WKT field option so your geometry is in WKT. This can be loaded into a temporary table in Sql Server as VARCHAR(MAX) which can then be loaded into your Sql Server table with a Geometry column.
This is a very brief arcpy sample and will not run on its own:
import arcpy, os, pyodbc
# a shapefile
par = (r'[your shapefile/gdb feature class path]')
# fields you want to include
fields = ['FID',[other fields...,] 'SHAPE@WKT']
# a query to limit records; useful for testing
qry = (r'FID < 100000')
# pyodbc connection to sql server 2012
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};server=[server];'
# define a cursor object
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
# create table query - #tmpPar is a temporary table
ctQry = ("""
Create Table #tmpPar (OID Int Not Null,[other fields...,] SHAPE Varchar(Max) NULL)
# create the temp table
# insert query; ? are parameter placeholders
itQry = ("""
Insert Into #tmpPar (OID,[fields...,]Shape)
Values (?,?,?);""")
# Query to Insert records from temp table into sql table
ipQry = ("""
Insert into [tablename] (ObjectId, [fields...,] Shape)
(Select OID, [fields...,] Shape From #tmpPar);""")
# use the search cursor of the shapefile to insert
# records into the temp table
rows = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(par,fields,qry)
for row in rows:
cursor.execute(itQry, row[0], row[1], row[2])
# insert recs from tmpPar to sql server table
I see this question is a bit dated but perhaps someone else who is struggling with an approach will stumble on this and save some time.