I am working on ArcGIS Java Script API version 3.2/3.3 and using IDE as aptana & notepad++(Currently testing all applications on Firefox and using Firebug while testing). Getting several errors while using JSAPI so is there any recommended Debugger available for ArcGIS JSAPI ?

I am also going through resource link.

  • 3
    I had worked extensively on the ESRI ArcGIS Javascript API for almost a year. Javascript debugging is always a very difficult task, so the problem is not with the API as such. The best debugger I could find for the purpose was Firebug. Occasionally Firebug also could not detect the errors and I had to load the code with print statements. Another issue that I faced was compatibility with different browsers. Be sure to continually check with all the browsers you intend to support. Doing it later can be a very difficult task.
    – DotPi
    Commented Apr 18, 2013 at 6:48
  • 2
    Two more options are: Developer tools in Google Chrome, & WebStorm jetbrains.com/webstorm/features/… I personally prefer the Developer tool in Chrome to firebug, when it comes to JavaScript debugging. Commented Apr 18, 2013 at 8:15

1 Answer 1


Chrome Dev tools is a solution for debugging. It has a lot of features that can help speed up the process of development. I use it everyday.


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