Is there any way to show our custom message in Qgis Status bar using python? Just like in arcgis IApplication.statusbar.message(0) = "Please wait..."
like that is there any option to show progressbar in Qgis like
There is iface.mainWindow().statusBar() which returns a QStatusBar
iface.mainWindow().statusBar().showMessage( u"Hello World" )
Starting from QGIS 2.0 there is also QgsMessageBar which is able to display unobtrusive messages
iface.messageBar().pushInfo(u'My Plugin says', u'Hey there')
The message bar can also show any QWidget (like a QProgressBar) with a close button and a timeout (5 seconds in the example).
from PyQt4.QtGui import QProgressBar
from qgis.gui import QgsMessageBar
msgBar = iface.messageBar()
pb = QProgressBar( msgBar )
msgBar.pushWidget( pb, QgsMessageBar.INFO, 5 )
msg = msgBar.createMessage( u'Hello World' )
msgBar.pushWidget( msg, QgsMessageBar.WARNING, 5 )
More info about QgsMessageBar can be found in this answer by NathanW How to address the new "Task-Completed" QgsMessageBar in Python? Thanks for pointing out Curlew
In the python console for QGIS < 1.9 it would be:
qgis.utils.iface.mainWindow().statusBar().showMessage( u"Hello World" )