I'm running simple local mapping service based on PostGIS/GeoServer/OpenLayers stack.
Following opengeo tutorial I've tied click events in OpenLayers to WMS GetFeatureInfo call using:
map.events.register('click', map, function (e) {
var url = "http://localhost:1979/geoserver/wms"
+ "?REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo"
+ "&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml"
+ "&BBOX=" + map.getExtent().toBBOX()
+ "&X=" + e.xy.x
+ "&Y=" + e.xy.y
+ "&INFO_FORMAT=text/html"
+ "&SRS=EPSG:3857"
+ "&STYLES="
+ "&WIDTH=" + map.size.w
+ "&HEIGHT=" + map.size.h;
I've used GeoServer's FreeMarker templates to format the response correctly. The problem I have is that the response I get returns all of the fields from the layer.
Is there a way to select the ones that are relevant to the user?