I have a study area in N. Florida loblolly pine plantation with 3 treatments (drought, fertilization, drought+fertilization, control) and 4 replicate plots. All plots will be in the same scene. These treatments are expected to alter the growth and response of pine trees.
The only available existing imagery at the initial time of treatment installation is from quickbird (one in March and one in December) - this will be the baseline image. Ideally, it would be nice to acquire imagery every year and season, it's not feasible due to budget constraints. So, I will probably purchase one, maybe two more images over the next 1-2 years. They should be the same season as the "baseline" scene.
My Question: Which season, if any, is best to discriminate spectral signatures between treatments/plots to really tease out differences in growth due to treatments and estimate NDVI, LAI, and other vegetation indices? I would suspect winter, when everything is not as lush and green and somewhat stressed (relative to summer). What is your expert opinion? Thanks in advance.