What is the difference between the Geographic coordinate, transformed coordinate(projected) ,cartesian coordinate, and screen coordinate? Is there a live example?
And what is the association between them? For example, on geographic coordinate
will have one or more transformed coordinate
The following is a .prj file from this post:
PROJCS["Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area",
DATUM["D_WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS_1984", 6378137, 298.257223563]],
PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0],
UNIT["Degree", 0.017453292519943295]],
PARAMETER["false_easting", 0],
PARAMETER["false_northing", 0],
PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin", 0],
PARAMETER["central_meridian", 20],
PARAMETER["xy_plane_rotation", 0],
UNIT["Meter", 1]]
Then what confused me is that Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area
is the name of the projection coordinate system, and it specified the geographic coordinate system here(GCS_WGS_1984),why? Does it mean that this projection is only fit for the GCS_WGS_1984 geographic coordinate? As far as I understand, the projection have nothing to do with the geographics coordinate.
For example,given a geographics coordinate system GCS_WGS_1984
Now I can use different type of projection(like UTM, and Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area in the post) to transfrom the geographics coordinate to projected coordinate. So the projection is not bounded with the geographics coordinate system. Isn't it?
record. (TheDATUM
subrecord is actually just a part of what we understand to be a geographic datum. The other subrecords,PRIMEM
, stipulate an origin and a unit of measurement, respectively.) The other records in the .prj file describe the projection from that datum into a projected coordinate system. Collectively they indicate exactly how any point on earth receives (x,y) coordinates.