I have a doubt about GDAL reprojection. I use "gdalwarp" utility to reproject an image in a specific projection system (for example WGS84 UTM49). "gdalinfo" on original image displays this corner coordinate:
Lower Right ( 123.0220110, -54.6797900) (123d 1'19.24"E, 54d40'47.24"S)
and projected image in UTM49:
Lower Right ( 1845275.980,-6159877.836) (131d34' 2.85"E, 53d48' 4.36"S)
I suppose that degrees (131d34' 2.85"E, 53d48' 4.36"S) are degrees coordinates of the pixel in lower right in the projected image, different from the originals.
I read about "gdaltransform" utility that it reprojects coordinates from one system to another, but running this:
$ gdaltransform -s_srs EPSG:32649 -t_srs EPSG:4326
1845275.980 -6159877.836
(when 1845275.980 -6159877.836 are projected coordinates in utm49) it displays geographic coordinate not in original image ( 123.0220110, -54.6797900), but in the projected image(131.56745835871 -53.8012102381326). From this result I suppose that gdaltransform doesn't reprojects from one system to another, but it simply "translates" coordinates. Is that affirmation correct?
command should always return the same location for the lower right. In order for that much shift to have occurred, something seems very off. What type of image are you reprojecting? How much area does it cover? Could you edit your question and include the command string you entered for gdal warp?