I'm trying to find a way to convert a raster (in my case it's a Landsat satellite image) into a table with 3 columns which would represent: 1) x coordinates (the so called "xllcorners" in ASCII terms); 2) y coordinates (the so called "yllcorners"); 3) the relative pixel values. As I'm working with 8-bit pixel-depth raster, my table should look like this at the end:
X Y Pixel
493185 4989885 0
493185 4989915 127
. . .
. . .
. . .
I tried to convert the raster into ASCII format and it gave me a grid with 7911 columns and 7211 rows. No problem so far, but since I want to organize the entire grid as it fits my 3 columns requirement, I haven't been able to import it to excel (where I'd like to do my calculations) properely (namely, it seems replacing and cutting off the spaces, inserting commas and so on didn't work so fine as there's always something different than in the "txt" ASCII grid, and it's not a squared grid neither, which complicates the things). I'm using both ArcGIS 10.1 and QGIS 1.8 if it could be of interest.