I am trying to select grids (polygon geometry) that intersect with a building layer. I can do it by using "Select by location" tool and then I generate centroids from the selected grids. There is no problem in these steps. Later I generated a model with the sextante modeler but it doesnt work properly. Select by location tool dosn't work in sextante modeler. It cannot select features but interesting, I can run this tool perfectly directly from sextante toolbox!

So I need help on how I can extract the grids that intersect with another layer.

EDIT : Sextante has been renamed to Processing as of QGIS 2.0

2 Answers 2


Encountered the same issue in QGIS 2.2, when intersecting shapefiles with prevoiosly selected ones in a simple model. I've solved with "Intersection" tool as I need to extract table values from spatially selected features.


Using QGIS 2.2 you can use the v.select function from GRASS to select features from one layer and how you want to select those features (if they overlap, touch, intersect etc) from another layer:

Processing modeler

v.select function

  • How is it possible to add the Grass Commands to the Qgis processing modeller? And especially the v.select tool
    – niels
    Commented Feb 19, 2015 at 14:01
  • @niels - Go to Processing > Options and configuration > Providers > GRASS commands, select to activate it and enter the GRASS directory (eg. C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\grass\grass-6.4.3).
    – Joseph
    Commented Feb 19, 2015 at 14:12

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