I'm trying to define an action in QGIS using on of my fields but I have some problems with its format.

I have a numeric string like '5' and I need to have a format like '005'. I've tried function tostring("myfield") but I am not able to define the format that I want.stri

Is there any way to do something like tostring(myfield,"000")?

What I'm looking for is a function like this one: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/text-HP005209313.aspx?CTT=5&origin=HP005204211

3 Answers 3


The solution is:

'000'   ||  tostring("myfield")

(a variable = 'variable') + (string concatenation = ||) + (field = "myfield")

5 -> 0005
50 -> 00050
500 -> 000500

combining variables

'hello'   || ', ' ||  tostring("myfield")

5 -> hello, 5

'hello'   || ', ' ||  tostring("myfield") || ', goodbye'

5 -> hello, 5, goodbye

combining fields

tostring("myfield") || ', ' || tostring("otherfield")

combining other thinks, like geometry

For example, for a point, the x and y coordinates -> (x, y)

'('   ||   $x  ||   ','   ||  $y  || ' )'

and you can format the result

right(  ('000'   ||  tostring(  "myfield" )), 4)

5 -> 0005
50 -> 0050
500 -> 0500


  • 1
    Thank you very much. I've tried your last option but there was a problem because there isn't "right" function in QGIS 1.8. I've used "substr" and "length" function like this: substr( ( '000' || tostring ("myfield")) , ( length ( ( '000' || tostring("myfield")) ) -2) , 3 ) Then I've obtained '005'. Thanks again.
    – Pau.ReRi
    Commented May 30, 2013 at 7:23
  • Great response and thanks for posting all these alternative formatting patterns. Massively useful. Thank you. Commented Nov 15, 2017 at 16:07

Another, and possibly more compact, option using lpad() (Left Pad) under String Functions which requires three arguments: the field, desired length, and padding character

lpad("MyField", 3, '0')

In QGIS 1.8 I've used this one because there wasn't right() function:

substr(('000' || tostring("myfield")), (length(('000' || tostring("myfield")))-2), 3)

And I've obtained 005

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