My company does benchmark multiple geocoders on a consistent basis with millions of addresses we receive from parcel delivery companies in Europe, mostly Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, the Netherlands and more recently Canada.
Here’s a sneak peek of what we have seen so far with Google, Here and Mapbox. I also included our product because why not :), but the results look like this.
Accuracy Level |
BetterPlaces |
Google |
Here |
Mapbox |
97.90% |
97.65% |
96.89% |
69.30% |
1.02% |
1.37% |
1.96% |
27.97% |
0.34% |
0.98% |
1.10% |
2.73% |
The accuracy levels mean:
HIGH: The result is accurate to the house number, the building (rooftop coordinates) or to a Point of Interest level.
MEDIUM: Accurate to the closest street or in front of the building
LOW: City, town or locality
There are a few of things to mention:
- These are averages of all the multiple benchmarks we have done in the last 6 months or so, all of them with millions of addresses, and all of them across different area types (urban and rural)
- We apply normalization to the addresses before sending to the different geocoders, which means that a lot of corrections have been made and hence the quality of the result and the success rate is significantly higher.
- Without normalization you can discount at least 5%-8% from Google, Here and Mapbox. BetterPlaces always applies Normalization.
- Some geocoders are stronger in rural areas, namely Here have really good data there, however Google offers a higher amount of successful geocoding results.