I have a number of shapefiles from a customer. I can read them with both ogrinfo and QGIS.
They don't have a .prj file, but I know that the projection is EPSG:3006.
When I add them as layers in GeoServer, I declare the projection to be EPSG:3006 in the box "Declared SRS" by inputing "EPSG:3006". I set "SRS Handling" to be "Force declared".
It makes no difference if I add a .prj file with a projection definition. I can then calculate the bounds successfully.
When I try to preview the layer in OpenLayers, I get an empty map. When I try to load the layer as WFS, I get an empty result.
There are no error messages in the logs as far as I can see. I have tried to change the log level.
If I run ogr2ogr and save them as new shapefiles, they work in GeoServer. If I export them to a new shapefile from QGIS, they work in GeoServer.
Is there a way I can use OGR or QGIS to show my customer what the problem is?