I have these 3 lines:
line1 <- matrix(c(-1.81209, -1.80470, -1.80616, 55.68024, 55.67947,
55.67544), ncol=2)
line2 <- matrix(c(-1.80468, -1.80330, -1.79690, 55.68322, 55.68017,
55.67800), ncol=2)
line3 <- matrix(c(-1.79798, -1.80069, -1.78929, 55.68364, 55.68138,
55.67966), ncol=2)
line1L <- Line(line1)
line2L <- Line(line2)
line3L <- Line(line3)
my.lines <- Lines(list(line1L, line2L, line3L), ID="my.lines")
myLines <- SpatialLines(list(my.lines))
proj4string(myLines) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
myLinesSpatial <- spTransform(myLines, CRS("+init=epsg:27700 +datum=WGS84"))
I need to discard any part of any line, that falls within 100m of any other line. This will result in segments of each of the three lines being removed. How can I do this?