For a long time I have been using softwares based in Windows to visualize and analyze LiDAR data sets for forest application. Recently, I have started to move all my work to Ubuntu platform, but I'm still looking for good softwares to work with LiDAR data sets.
Related to Windows the best free software experienced by me were:
Just for visualization:
a) Quick Terrain Reader is capable of opening pre-built digital elevation models (DEMs) and point clouds and allows users to freely move through the terrain in a fast and intuitive way.
b) FugroViewer is a robust, easy-to-use freeware designed to help users make the most of their geospatial data.
c) PointVue LE is a FREE 3-D LIDAR visualization tool which can be used to visualize LIDAR data in ASPRS LAS Version 1.1 format.
For analyze and visualize:
a) FUSION/LDV provides a fast, efficient and flexible access to LiDAR and terrain data sets.
Since I moved to Ubuntu, it was quite difficult to substitute the software I was used to use. Up to now, I found some alternatives but not so good as the Windows ones:
For visualization:
a) LiDAR visualization was implemented as an out-of-core multi resolution point cloud renderer. The renderer is able to visualize the largest LiDAR scans we currently have, containing up to 11.3 billion (11.3 * 109) sample points, at interactive frame rates using a fixed-size memory cache.
b) LAG is a tool for visualisation, inspection and classification of LiDAR point clouds. It currently supports LAS and ASCII file formats.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything for processing like FUSION.
Has somebody experienced good free software to Linux related to LiDAR files analysis?
Do not just list other software, but explain why you use and recommend it!