I want to get real line segment dataset to do an experiment. So I searched it, and found the site that includes the real data: http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/mapsdata/geodatacatalog/
From this, I downloaded railroad data and opened it with QGIS. I want to get the end points of each line segment (or feature) in the data. When I click the one feature in vector layer, I can see the firstX, firstY, lastX and lastY in 'Identify Results'
window. I think this information is what I needed.
However, I cannot find the way to export this information to .csv
-file or text file. I searched, but all of these solutions are not working for me:
- Getting list of coordinates for points in layer using QGIS?
- How to get X and Y coordinate values of the map?
How can I export end points of each line segment in such dataset?