This is the challenge: I have two feature classes, which have the same number of polygon features, that when overlaid form concentric "rings." I need to erase the inner circle from the outer circle for each feature, matching them by their record ID. So, if both feature classes 1 and 2 have records A, B, and C, I want to erase the polygon of Record A in FC2 from Record A in FC1, RecordB in FC2 from Record B in FC1, etc.
ArcGIS' Erase function will only take the entirety of the feature class and erase from them - I can't find a way to link up records by their feature ID. I'm working with Arc10.1 with all licenses.
LATEST EDITS: I've replaced the useless code from before with this revised snippet below, but now I need a bit of guidance - I can't find where in here that I am over-writing the output. It works! However the script leaves me with a single donut feature output. Can you help me spot my error?
#Test script: select record from a VTR and erase it from another, matching selected record
import os
import sys
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
import time
#Set overwrote output
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
print arcpy.env.overwriteOutput
workspace = "C:\\BOEM\\pt_buff3\\"
fileList = []
buffersd4 = []
buffersd3 = []
recordID3 = []
recordID4 = []
buffs = workspace+"buffer.gdb"
directorypath = buffs
#create new results_feature class
for dirpath, dirnames, buffs in arcpy.da.Walk(directorypath,
for buff in buffs:
if buff.endswith(str("d4")):
# buffersd4.append(buff)
#print buffersd4
print buff
print buffbits4[2]
field = ['APR16_ID']
APR16_ID = [row[0] for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(workspace+"buffer.gdb\\"+buff,(field))]
print APR16_ID
for ID4 in APR16_ID:
ID4split = ID4.split('_')
selectID4 = ID4split[1]
#print selectID4
if buff.endswith(str("d3")):
# buffersd4.append(buff)
#print buffersd4
print buff
print buffbits3[2]
field = ['APR16_ID']
APR16_ID = [row[0] for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(workspace+"buffer.gdb\\"+buff,(field))]
print APR16_ID
for ID3 in APR16_ID:
ID3split = ID3.split('_')
selectID3 = ID3split[1]
# print selectID3
print selectID4
print selectID3
if selectID4 == selectID3:
print "yay they match!"
#make feature layer of feature d4 for FCs in buffersd4:
for fc in buffersd4:
out_layer4= fc+"_lyr"
print arcpy.GetMessages()
#select record in fc_layer
#where_clause4=""" "APR16_ID" = """ + str(selectID4)
where_clause4=""" "APR16_ID" = """ + "'"+ID4+"'"
print arcpy.GetMessages()
#make feature layer of feature d3
for fc in buffersd3:
out_layer3= fc+"_lyr"
print arcpy.GetMessages()
#select record in fc_layer
#where_clause3=""" "APR16_ID" = """ + str(selectID3)
where_clause3=""" "APR16_ID" = """ + "'"+ID3+"'"
print arcpy.GetMessages()
#execute Erase function(erase d3 from d4)
out_feat = "C:\\BOEM\\Donuts\\donuts_output.gdb\\"+"donut_d4_"+ID4
arcpy.Erase_analysis(out_layer4, out_layer3,out_feat,"")
print arcpy.GetMessages()
print "done rolling through records in this feature class."
print "done going through the buffers in the fGDB"