When attempting to display the national chargepoint registry from the following URL:


The following error returns:

http://chargepoints.dft.gov.uk/api/retrieve/registry/format/json is not a valid or recognized data source

I've tried following the instructions in another similar post without success: How to display geoJSON from an URL in a layer. Any help much appreciated.

1 Answer 1


You must use a geoJSON file (The GeoJSON Format Specification) and not a simple JSON file. Your example is not a GeoJSON file (no 'geometry' tag for example)

As example, GitHub announced that you can now automatically view any GeoJSON files that may be in a repository inside an interactive map driven by MapBox technology (see my example AAC.geojson)

And GeoJSON on GitHub: Now What? shows how to stream the GeoJSON file directly into QGIS:

enter image description here

enter image description here

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