I have a CartoDB table that when I query it via the rest api I get something like this:
"name": "sas",
"street": "la plata 2390",
"cartodb_id": 1,
"created_at": "2013-06-26T00:46:21.412Z",
"updated_at": "2013-06-26T00:58:26.799Z",
"the_geom": "0101000020E6100000FDA4DAA7E32D4DC0E3FC4D28445041C0",
"the_geom_webmercator": "0101000020110F0000064377E72DC858C1BB2873CAD2614FC1",
"cartodb_georef_status": true
I want to conver the the_geom_webmercator to a lat, long pair of numbers, to use with leaflet like this:
L.marker([-34.617917, -58.433257]).addTo(map)
.bindPopup('A pretty CSS3 popup. <br> Easily customizable.')
Which would be the best way to achieve it?
Create a view or query on CartoDB? (I tried with ST_Transform, but I don't know what parameter to use)
Use a specific leaflet option to pass the webmercator value?
Use some js library to do the conversion?
I've found the st_asText(the_geom) that returns me something like: POINT(-58.35851 -34.62708)
and also st_x(xxx) and st_y(xxx) functions which returns each coordinate.
so I create a the_geom_lat and the_geom_long columns and executed the following query
update test set
the_geom_lat = st_y(the_geom),
the_geom_long = st_x(the_geom)
I still would like to know if there's any js function that could achieve the same, so I wouldn't have to create a cartoDB view