I made a web app that displays delivery routes associated with a user-input zip code. My question is, how can I get the map to zoom to the results? Here is my code. Im thinking of some sort of zoom-to-extent, is that along the correct path?
function init() {
myMap = new esri.Map("mapDiv", {
basemap: "streets",
center: [-89.9, 35.1],
zoom: 10
dojo.connect(myMap, 'onLoad', function () {
var scalebar = new esri.dijit.Scalebar({
map: myMap,
scalebarUnit: "english"
require(['dojo/on', 'dojo/query'],
function (on, query) {
on(query('#myList'), 'change', function (e) {
gpURL = e.target.value;
console.log('Environment changed: ' + '"' + gpURL + '"');
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function (obj, start) {
for (var i = (start || 0), j = this.length; i < j; i++) {
if (this[i] === obj) {
return i;
return -1;
resultsLayer = new esri.layers.GraphicsLayer();
function selectZIP(Zip_code) {
gp = new esri.tasks.Geoprocessor(gpURL);
var params = {
"ZIP": Zip_code,
"Rte_Box": "C",
gp.execute(params, displayResults);
function displayResults(results, messages) {
var featureset = results[0].value;
var simplePolySymbol = new esri.symbol.SimpleFillSymbol();
simplePolySymbol.setOutline(new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new dojo.Color([0, 96, 170, .75]), 1));
dojo.forEach(featureset.features, function (feature) {
myMap.Search.handleStats(results, messages)
myMap.Search = {
gpGetStats: new esri.tasks.Geoprocessor(gpURL),
getRouteStats: function () {
var params = {
"ZIP_CRID": dojo.byId('resultsLayer').value
resultsLayer.Search.gpGetStats.execute(params, resultsLayer.Search.handleStats);
handleStats: function (results, messages) {
var content = '';
content += '<table>';
content += '<tr><td> ZIP CRID </td><td> Bus </td><td> Res </td><td> Tot </td><td> <200 </td><td> DS Key </td></tr>';
dojo.forEach(results[0].value.features, function (crid, i) {
console.log(crid.attributes.ZIP_CRID + ', ');
content += '<tr><td>' + crid.attributes.ZIP_CRID;
content += '</td><td> ' + crid.attributes.BUS_CNT;
content += '</td><td> ' + crid.attributes.RES_CNT;
content += '</td><td> ' + crid.attributes.TOT_CNT;
content += '</td><td> ' + crid.attributes.LT_200_IND;
content += '</td><td> ' + crid.attributes.DS_KEY + '</td></tr>';
content += '</table>';
dojo.byId('details').innerHTML = content;
dojo.ready(function () {
var clearMe = new dijit.form.Button({
label: "Clear Map",
onclick: function (init) {
dojo.byId('details').innerHTML = '';
}, "clearMe");