I checked the twitter API here.
I know how to get tweets in United States within a bounding box such as:
How can I easily get all the tweets NOT in this bounding box?
I checked the twitter API here.
I know how to get tweets in United States within a bounding box such as:
How can I easily get all the tweets NOT in this bounding box?
Textually from the Twitter API documentation
If you would like to exclude place matches or only include places which fall completely within the bounding box, your code will have to perform an additional filtering step after reading the filtered stream.
I suggest making a dataframe from raw tweet data file and then filter using coordinates as follows.
import pandas as pd
from tweet_parser.tweet import Tweet
from tweet_parser.tweet_parser_errors import NotATweetError
import fileinput
import json
with open('tweet_stream.txt') as infile, open('tweet_stream.json', 'w') as outfile:
for line in infile:
if not line.strip(): continue # skip the empty line
outfile.write(line) # non-empty line. Write it to output
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['DateTime','user_id','lat','long','tweet'])
for line in fileinput.FileInput("tweet_stream.json"):
tweet_dict = json.loads(line)
tweet = Tweet(tweet_dict)
except (json.JSONDecodeError,NotATweetError):
if tweet.geo_coordinates is None:
df= df.append({'DateTime':tweet.created_at_datetime,'user_id':tweet.user_id,'lat':tweet.geo_coordinates,'long':tweet.geo_coordinates,'tweet':tweet.text},ignore_index=True)
df= df.append({'DateTime':tweet.created_at_datetime,'user_id':tweet.user_id,'lat':tweet.geo_coordinates['latitude'],'long':tweet.geo_coordinates['longitude'],'tweet':tweet.text},ignore_index=True)
latmin = 24.0
latmax = 49.3843
longmin = -124.47
longmax = -66.56
df_geo = pd.DataFrame(columns=['DateTime','user_id','lat','long','tweet'])
geo = df['lat'].notnull() #filtering out non-geotagged tweets
df_geo = df[geo].reset_index(drop=True)
loc_filter = (df_geo['lat'] < latmin) & (df_geo['lat'] > latmax) & (df_geo['long'] < longmin) & (df_geo['long'] > longmax)
df_geo = df_geo[loc_filter].reset_index(drop=True)
Note that this code is able to filter only geotagged tweets (tweets which have a coordinates field as Type: Point) and disregards tweets which are streamed as a result of the overlap between the 'place' polygon and provided bounding box, eg.[-124.47,24.0,-66.56,49.3843].
I hope this helps.