Im a newbie on GIS as well as QGIS. I have a table of data saved from Excel as dbf format. After dragging and dropping the file into QGIS and then opening the attribute table, all values less than 1 in my original table have been changed to 0. How can I prevent this?

1 Answer 1


It looks ike your data has been stored as integer values, instead of real that you wanted.

You can try importing as CSV, and create a CSVT file with the attribute table data types.

  • thanks Andre. Importing as CSV with a CSVT file solves this problem, but what if I have a very large table of data? It seems very long winded to have to produce a csvt file and I thought dbf was a quicker, easier option?
    – Ben Wells
    Jul 4, 2013 at 10:04
  • 1
    The dbf file should contain the data type in the first row. Look at some shapefile .dbf as example. See dbase.com/Knowledgebase/INT/db7_file_fmt.htm for details. Not all data types are supported for shapefiles.
    – AndreJ
    Jul 4, 2013 at 10:36

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