I use the following code to check if a point feature is within a polygon feature
pFeaBlock is a polygon feature and Fea is a point feature
int blockID = -1;
IFeatureCursor pBlockCursor = this._blockLayer.Search(null, false);
IFeature pFeaBlock = pBlockCursor.NextFeature();
while (pFeaBlock != null)
if (!pFea.Shape.IsEmpty)
IPolygon pPolygon = (IPolygon)pFea.Shape;
IRelationalOperator pRelOperator = (IRelationalOperator)pPolygon;
if (pRelOperator.Within(pFeaBlock.Shape) == true)
blockID = (int)pFeaBlock.get_Value(2);
pFeaBlock = pBlockCursor.NextFeature();
but I always get he COMException on
if (pRelOperator.Within(pFeaBlock.Shape) == true)
Is anyone familiar this interface?
while((IFeature pFeaBlock = pBlockCursor.NextFeature()) != null)