SELECT ST_Astext(geom) FROM "locations" WHERE ST_Contains( ST_Buffer( St_GeomFromText( 'LINESTRING( 6 52, 6.5 53, 7 54 )', 4326 ), 10000 ), geom )
- ST_Buffer(
geom, radius ) creates a 10km buffer. Im using a linestring as
example. Second argument is in meters when using SRID 4326. Calculations are in the Spatial Reference System of this Geometry.
- ST_Contains(
geomA, geomB ) Returns true if and only if no points of B lie in
the exterior of A, and at least one point of the interior of B lies
in the interior of A.
Don't hesitate to ask me if you need more help!
SRID 4326 is NOT measuring in meters (see here).
Besides that, it's better (faster) to use ST_DWithin. There is a note in the ST_Buffer documentation:
People often make the mistake of using this function to try to do
radius searches. Creating a buffer to to a radius search is slow and
pointless. Use ST_DWithin instead.
If you would like to measure in meters its better to use geography instead of geometry:
SELECT ST_Astext(geom) FROM "locations" WHERE ST_DWithin( ST_GeographyFromText( 'LINESTRING(48.85523 2.36179,48.85556 2.36205,48.85591 2.36226,48.857 2.36288,48.85806 2.36362,48.85834 2.36382,48.85818 2.36434,48.85817 2.36444,48.85817 2.36448,48.85882 2.3645,48.86 2.36454,48.86144 2.3646,48.86178 2.3646,48.86184 2.36458,48.86187 2.36455,48.86193 2.36446,48.86199 2.36455,48.86205 2.3646,48.8621 2.36464,48.86277 2.36466,48.86367 2.36469,48.86459 2.36583,48.8647 2.36577)' ), geom::geography, 10000 );
It transforms the points to geographic points and the input is a geographic linestring. ST_GeographyFromText() description:
Returns a geography object from the well-known text representation.
SRID 4326 is assumed.
Good luck!
If you want to extract the polygon with the buffer area u can use this query:
SELECT ST_Astext(geom) as "point", ST_AsText( ST_Buffer( "linestring", 10000 ) ) as "buffer" FROM "locations", ST_GeographyFromText( 'LINESTRING(48.85523
2.36179,48.85556 2.36205,48.85591 2.36226,48.857 2.36288,48.85806 2.36362,48.85834 2.36382,48.85818 2.36434,48.85817 2.36444,48.85817 2.36448,48.85882 2.3645,48.86 2.36454,48.86144 2.3646,48.86178 2.3646,48.86184 2.36458,48.86187 2.36455,48.86193 2.36446,48.86199 2.36455,48.86205 2.3646,48.8621 2.36464,48.86277 2.36466,48.86367 2.36469,48.86459 2.36583,48.8647 2.36577)' ) as "linestring" WHERE ST_DWithin("linestring", geom::geography, 10000 );