I have some address points selected for which that I want to update the address field based upon the row in the selection. How do I figure out the name of the selection taable to pass to arcpy.UpdateCursor()?
1Could you edit your post to explain more what you're trying to do? Also, what version of ArcMap are you using?– PaulCommented Aug 16, 2013 at 16:20
I am using ArcGIS 10.1. I have a selection of points that refer to the placement of buildings in a larger feature class of building points. I want to put the row number of the selected rows in the building address field. Is it possible to place the row of the selection into a field of a group of selected rows? I don't know what the name of the table is since I only want to change the building number field in a few (selected) rows of a table.– Paul KranzCommented Aug 19, 2013 at 11:35
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2 Answers
If you're simply isolating selected features for use with an update cursor, it should be as simple as -
use gp.MakeFeatureLayer("featureclass", "featlyr")
cursor = gp.UpdateCursor("featlyr", "", "", "BLDADDRESS")
row = cursor.next()
while row:
rownum = row.getValue("OID_or_NUM")
row.setValue("BLDADDRESS", rownum)
row = cursor.Next()
I think you can only do that from a Python Add-In.