A good example of something I am confused about: on the Wikipedia page for "digital terrain model" one can find the following statement about a satellite in the "See Also" section:
TanDEM-X: generation of a world-wide, consistent, timely, high-precision Digital Elevation Model
Can I take this statement and swap the word precision for the word resolution? Would you agree that it means the same after doing so?
Original Question:
A question about Precision vs Accuracy has already been asked and answered, but I believe my question is different.
In the context of files that store elevation models, a TIFF for example, what is the difference between Precision and Resolution in the elevation detail? Are they the same thing?
Normally, when I think of low resolution elevation models I think of terrain that ends up looking blocky:
and high resolution corresponding to terrain that will look smooth and have more detail.
Can these terms (precision/resolution) be used interchangeably when talking about the "detail" in an elevation model? Is it erroneous to say that the terrain in the image above has lost precision from its original representation?
This post almost looked like what I was looking for, but I believe not - because it speaks of the terms in the context of a different domain - the instrument measurements domain. (Correct me if I am wrong here)