I created a python script that uses "pyodbc" plugin to connect a SQL Server database and write out data. It was imported in an ArcGIS 10.1 tool and run from there. try:
arcpy.AddMessage('FLAG 0')
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=' + DSN + ';UID=' + UID + ';PWD=' + PASS)
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
arcpy.AddMessage('FLAG 1')
# Retrieves all the records from the All Obs for KML view
if cnxn is None:
arcpy.AddMessage('cnxn is None')
arcpy.AddMessage('cnxn is not None')
if cursor is None:
arcpy.AddMessage('cursor is None')
arcpy.AddMessage('cursor is not None')
cursor.execute('SELECT LocationName, Lat from VW_Obs_for_KML_Exp')
for row in cursor:
arcpy.AddMessage(row.LocationName + ', ' + str(row.Lat))
arcpy.AddMessage('FLAG 2')
except (pyodbc.IntegrityError, pyodbc.ProgrammingError, pyodbc.Error):
arcpy.AddMessage("PYODBC Error. Details: " + str(sys.exc_info()[:2]))
except TypeError, e:
arcpy.AddMessage("TypeError. Details: " + str(sys.exc_info()[:2]))
arcpy.AddMessage("No error occurred.")
The script accesses a Table and outputs 'Lat' as Numeric(38, 8) data type. It worked perfect the first time from ArcCatalog. However, it threw out an error the second time and onwards. Detailed error stack trace is as follow:
cnxn is not None
cursor is not None
Runtime error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.1\Lib\decimal.py", line 543, in __new__
m = _parser(value.strip())
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
TypeError. Details: (<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>, TypeError("'NoneType' object is not callable",))
Process is complete.
So I had to restart ArcCatalog to successfully run it again. By the way, it also worked well when run from Python in the command line prompt. So this error only occurred when run from ArcCatalog.
Is there anyone who has worked with "pyodbc" plugin and experienced similar problem before?
is not None? One of those variables is returning None. Do you have more of the error output.