Have a bit of a tough question, which I realize there may not be an easy solution to. Figured what better place to ask.
I'm attempting to transform a polygon into a series of arbitrary points with arbitrary radii (circles!) that best represent the area covered by the polygon.
Minor over- and underflow is acceptable, as is circle-overlap, in hopes of achieving an efficient solution (i.e. fewest possible points, no gaps).
Ideally, a given poly would be represented by a few large circles, and several smaller circle on the perimeters.
Essentially, the problem is that I have a dynamic number of polys that get hit on geo-spatial queries given a specific gps coordinate, however, we are required to move to a system wherein I will not be able to utilize a point-within-poly query, but will have to rely on point-within-distance queries.
Hopefully someone has at least attempted something similar, and, if not, hopefully someone is willing to throw some ideas around!
Open to most languages, but this needs to be done programmatically!
Update per clarification in comments:
My point is that I feed indexes to the system and I get alerted when they are hit. I don't perform any queries on this system myself (black box), so I wouldn't have control enough to negate a query. That's the reason I need to transform the poly to a representation of points.