I have a raster with a user defined sinusoidal projection and a shapefile in lat/lng coordinates (I believe this is called 'unprojected'?). I'd like to use ogr/gdal's command line utilities to project the shapefile into the raster's custom projection.
I see that ogr2ogr
has a t_srs
flag that if I had an EPSG code, I could use to project the shapefile into that local projection. However, I am unsure what to do with my custom raster projection.
Per a comment below, this is the projection info from gdalinfo
Coordinate System is:
Origin = (-8895140.844619400799274,1111950.484813591465354)
Pixel Size = (463.312713623046989,-463.312713623046989)
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left (-8895140.845, 1111950.485)
Lower Left (-8895140.845,-4448265.391)
Upper Right (-2222974.456, 1111950.485)
Lower Right (-2222974.456,-4448265.391)
Center (-5559057.650,-1668157.453)