I am trying to create a raster layer from a NetCDF File using Python. If I am using the Arcgis 10 Python window it works without issues. But executing the same script in Pythonxy gives the error:
NetCDF: Attribute not found
What could be the problem? I'm just wondering because it works within the Arcgis working area but not outside.
Here's my python code:
import arcpy
inNetCDFFile = 'C:/Users/Babs/Dropbox/Masterarbeit/mpihm_cnrmb1nat_precip_monthly_1991_2000.nc'
variable = 'Precip'
XDimension = 'lon'
YDimension = 'lat'
outRasterLayer = 'Precip_2011'
bandDimension = ''
dimensionValue = ''
valueselectionmethod = ''
arcpy.MakeNetCDFRasterLayer_md(inNetCDFFile, variable, XDimension, YDimension,
outRasterLayer, bandDimension, dimensionValue,valueselectionmethod)