I'm using ArcGIS JavaScript API 3.6.
I have a map layout with a bordercontainer and two contentpanes, One is the map div and the other is the left div (which holds the legend, and basemaps and such as child elements).
I have a checkbox element on the footer that when clicked, fires off a function that (should ideally) make the left div disappear and the map div expand to the width of the browser.
function toggleDiv() {
// If statement to check if the checkbox is checked.
if (dijit.byId("ToggleLeft").checked) {
//Sets the left div's display CSS property to inline and then setting the
//width property
dojo.setStyle(dijit.byId("leftDiv").domNode, 'display', 'inline');
dojo.byId("leftDiv").style.width = '285px';
// Sets the display css property to "none" which makes the element disappear
dojo.setStyle(dijit.byId("leftDiv").domNode, 'display', 'none');
When I resize the browser, the map automatically resizes to the width of the browser. However, I want to do this as soon as the leftDiv element disappears.
What JavaScript code would I have to use to get this to happen?