Just testing out the new QGIS2 install here and trying to connect it to our huge SDE/Oracle spatial database. Im struggling with the connection parameters. Here is the connection properties to the databse from within ArcGIS10.1:

Instance = sde:oracle10g:g01l10g

I can't figure out how this maps across to the connection fields in the QGIS2 popup. Can anyone help me please?

1 Answer 1


You will by-pass SDE control and will get all of the oracle spatial tables.

enter image description here

Example: (DB/IP/Username has been changed)

Database:Name of the Master database you are connecting to:

Host:IP of database (must be unique)

Port: Oracle is on 1521 (default)

Username:username (must be a USER not DBA or superuser)

Password:password (you MUST have password - no blank passwords)

Recommend: To speed the QGIS2 table reading up:

For speed check Only look for users tables and only existing geometry tables

Can take 10 minutes on large databases to read all the available tables.

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