The data comes from Geofabrik's Brazil slice:
Imported into a PostGIS DB with osm2pgsql. GeoServer is 2.4.0, running on latest Tomcat 7.0.x, on latest Oracle JVM, on CentOS 64 bits. The GeoServer VM has 1GB RAM and 100 GB disk.
I defined a layer group having planet_osm_line, planet_osm_point, and planet_osm_roads.
I try to seed the cache on this group with the following parameters:
- Grid set: EPSG:900913
- Format: image/png
- Zoom start: 0; Zoom end: 15
When I press Submit, it shows the created tasks, but when I come to the seed page again, there's none. And the CPU isn't being used.
The GCW demo does work and it seems to be feeding the cache. When I use that, I can see the heavy usage on top
Another thing: after panning through the map in the demo for a bit, the cache directory is populated with PNGs and has 19 MB. But in the Tile Layers screen, "Disk Used" still shows 0.0B. What's happening?