How to return raster values based on polygon (shapefile) boundaries in QGIS?

Is this an elementary question, because I am finding it hard....... Ideally I would like a neat workflow as I am likely to repeat the task, even if it includes using GRASS.

I want to take a remote sensed raster ( Landsat ), and load it up with a shapefile containing irregular polygons and return the avg, max min of the raster values for each polygon.

Ideally I would also like to clip out the polygons as separate files for each polygon, perhaps that is another post, but probably it is a related process, which I haven't been able to tackle yet.

And is QGIS the right platform to be tackling this in? I have loaded up the RASTERCALC Plugin which does give better functionality than the default raster calculator, so have made a little progress there.

Any thoughts appreciated

  • Googling "zonal statistics" might turn up some leads. For a wider variety of solutions try "zonal statistics -arcview -arcgis" :-).
    – whuber
    Commented Mar 19, 2011 at 14:20

2 Answers 2


Currently, I don't know of such a function for QGIS.

But in GRASS there is v.rast.stats (Calculates univariate statistics from a raster map based on vector polygons and uploads statistics to new attribute columns.) - Documentation

GRASS is scriptable, so if you have to repeat this task multiple times, writing a script might save you some time.


QGIS dev version now has a new Zonal stats plugin in Raster menu

enter image description here


agoodle could be worth a look


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