Is there a QGIS plugin or other method that simplifies parcels to share a common line(border)?

I'm pretty sure I read about this some time ago. Couldn't find anything here or elsewhere.

I'd like to reduce a parcel shapefile in size to be rendered as a WMS via GeoServer.

I'm using: PostGIS 1.5 GeoServer 2.3 QGIS master(dev) Leaflet 0.6.4


2 Answers 2


So, for me, the solution would be to upgrade PostGIS, import the shapefile in PostgreSQL/PostGIS, clean it and create a topology, and serve the resulting layer with GeoServer.


This might be an interesting rabbit hole to run down:


Here are some blurbs: Difference between GeoJSON and TopoJSON and How is TopoJSON different than GeoJSON

And possible real-world usability. If you can convert from TopoJSON to GeoJSON, then you could convert from GeoJSON into PostGIS.

All this being said that I have not used either TopoJSON or GeoJSON very much, and not at all in PostGIS. But, it was the first thing that came to mind when I read your question.


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