I've got a featureclass (fc) that I want to copy, but only retaining a selected number of fields, let's say field 9, 11, and 12 from the total of 15 fields. I want to use arcpy and suspect that fieldmappings are somehow required for this. I currently have:
fm= arcpy.FieldMappings()
sel= range(0,9)+[10]+range(13,16)
for i in sel:
However, this gives:
RuntimeError: FieldMappings: Error in removing a field map from field mappings for RemoveFieldMap
I can't quite see what I'm doing wrong? Perhaps it would be nicer to somehow select the fields I want and add these to a new fieldMapping object? All suggestions are welcome, thanks in advance!
Update. As suggested below, I now have the following:
inFields= ["fA", "fB", "fC"]
inTab= 'testFc'
fm= arcpy.fieldMappings()
fieldMap= arcpy.FieldMap()
for field in inFields:
fieldMap.addInputField(inTab, field)
arcpy.featureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(testFc, outDir, testOutFc, field_mapping= fm)
This works, a new featureclass is created. However, it contains only field fA. The python output reads:
Executing: FeatureClassToFeatureClass L:/GEOProjects/2Working.gdb/testFc :/GEOProjecten outDir testOutFc
# "fA "fA" true true false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#,
L:/GEOProjects/2Working.gdb/testFc,fC,-1,-1" #
Start Time: Thu Oct 24 10:21:42 2013
Succeeded at Thu Oct 24 10:21:58 2013 (Elapsed Time: 16.00 seconds)
It seems that ony fA is being copied to the new featureclass.
Any suggestion as to why this can be?