You can calculate the Delaunay triangulation and the circumcircles using Matlab (or its open-source counterpart Octave):
% Generate some random points
x = rand(5,1); y = rand(5,1);
% Calculate the Delaunay triangulation
tri = delaunay(x, y);
% Plot the triangulation
hold off
triplot(tri, x, y, 'k')
hold all
% Calculate the circumcircles for all triangles
for row=tri'
points = [x(row) y(row)];
% Uses the calcCircle function from
[pos, r] = calcCircle(points(1,:), points(2,:), points(3,:));
% Draw the circle
rect = rectangle('Position',[pos(1)-r, pos(2)-r,2*r, 2*r], 'Curvature', 1);
% Change the color of the circle
set(rect, 'EdgeColor', [0.5 0.5 0.5])
% Make sure circles appear as circles
axis equal
axis off
% Plot the points on top
scatter(x,y, '.r')