I'm trying to reproject a vector layer using the 'qgis:reproject' algorithm in the processing/sextante module of QGIS, from Python.
This kind of works, but the .prj and .qpj files created after running the tool are empty, so when importing the resulting shapefile as a layer I get the specify CRS dialog.
When running the algorithm from the toolbox (Geoalgorithms->Vector->General tools->Reproject layer), both a .prj and a .qpj file is created and filled with data. According to (Note: Not true, see my answer) processing_qgis.log
, I am running the same exact processing algorithm.
What is it the toolbox version does that I'm not doing? Should I manually create the .prj/.qpj files after reprojecting?
# Reprojecting - does not create proper projection files
processing.runalg("qgis:reprojectlayer", my_input_layer_object, "ESPG:102013",
# Importing layer
output_layer = QgsVectorLayer(output_shapefile_path, "My Layer Name", "ogr")