Is there any open web mapping service provide map tiles with GEBCO bathymetry data. As far I know Only Google uses GEBCO bathymetry data for ocean floor model. Others uses ocean as plain blue. I need a service provider of web mapping tiles which provide sea floor with GEBCO data.
2 Answers
- ESRI ocean base map
- The European Atlas of the Seas has a web service based on GEBCO, among others: see here.
Thanks.I am using a opencyclemaps as basemap for my app. Is anyone of these basemaps can be used as same? Commented Nov 3, 2013 at 18:41
If you are looking for GEBCO iso-bath contour lines, I've found the following tile server useful.There zoom level isn't very high, but it might work for you depending on your application.
Here is the server I call in a Leafet.js map:{z}/{y}/{x} (this is outdated)
The new version can be found here:{z}/{y}/{x}
Hope this helps!